UK Aquaculture

An aquaculture fish farm, located in the UK, hired us to assist with the Environmental Impact Assessment and prevent pollution in their catchment area. We worked closely with the Environment Agency to conduct a thorough environmental impact assessment and ensuring the site was appropriately permitted. Identifying the potential risks and impacts of the fish farm on the surrounding environment.

Developing a robust environmental management plan to manage and mitigate the environmental impact of the fish farm, it was decided that regular monitoring of the site was essential to test the water discharge against the environmental permit. Implementing best management practices to prevent pollution and minimise waste, and ensuring compliance with all relevant environmental regulations.

As part of the permit acquisition, and ongoing management of the fish farm’s environmental impact, Peak Associates assists with their regularly monitored and carries our yearly audits of their trade effluent discharge to the catchment. We provide ongoing support and guidance, creating monitoring reports each quarter so the farm goes above and beyond when meeting their regulatory responsibilities.


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