Whilst many of our clients in this sector use us for their simpler development-led and regulatory work, it would be reasonable to note that for many, our first involvement with them was linked to an unexpected loss of product or effluent. Such losses often come with a regulatory-led investigation into an alleged impact of environmental harm. This is because all food and most drinks contain enough carbohydrate and proteins to cause exceptionally high oxygen demands and/or be sources of ammonia and phosphate when lost to the environment.
This polluting potential is the reason most food and drink sector clients started their relationship with us because of this type of loss, or to be more accurate, an allegation of this sort of loss. Several recent cases and approaches have led to us being able to show that either the allegations surrounding a loss, or the level of impact, were unfounded. If you think this applies to you, please visit Incident Management and Expert Witness & Mitigation work.
Interestingly, many food producers who store and handle large quantities are now using the services we have developed around implementing containment systems for petrochemicals associated with CIRIA Guidance for containment systems to protect their sites. If you have just one click left in you – take a look at what the Construction Industry Research & Information Association has published.