This extensive site investigation was for a client we have worked with for over 20 years. And whilst much of this work has centred on improving site resilience and pollution prevention risk via hazard (HAZOP) and semi quantitative impact analysis, the latest project was driven by the site wide improvement to infrastructure linked to an expansion programme and the construction of new offices on land to be acquired.
In many ways the latest work was therefore a conventional Due Diligence study for the acquisition of potentially contaminated land that had been used as a wharf and bulk shipping terminal for over 150 years. A number of potential source, pathway receptor relationships were postulated at the desktop stage. However, most of these were ruled out as being active at a level of concern re the proposed redevelopment. A provision for the remediation of some historic hydrocarbon contamination along with a need to keep a watching brief for ‘expansive slags’ from the local steel works were the main findings of the site investigation.