Expert Witness & Mitigation

Although the Environment Agency, Water Companies and Local Authorities have all signed up to the Government’s new ‘Better Regulation’ which now requires them to regulate more reasonably at Peak we are on hand to help in cases where this theory isn’t working out in practice.

Pollution Prevention

Checking for levels of pollution and contamination

Peak Associates can design and deliver a range of pollution prevention measures to meet the needs of our clients. This can include the assessment and inspection of existing drainage infrastructure, civil engineering to reduce pollution to controlled water bodies, and appropriate use of containment to prevent material loss.

Surface Water

Service - Surface Water

Several water companies charge their commercial customers for surface water and highway drainage disposal on a site area basis. This often leads to unnecessary costs being incurred by clients. At Peak we can check whether you are currently being charged the correct amount for your site.

Sustainable Drainage Schemes (SuDS)

Changes to planning policy in recent years have led to the increased requirement for Sustainable Drainage Schemes (SuDS) to be included in the design of new developments. This change has been led by flooding and sewer capacity concerns due to the amount of green and brownfield sites being developed.

Trade Effluent

Service - Trade Effluent

If you’ve suddenly found out you’re operating above your trade effluent consent limits or need a new consent then we have over 20 years of experience in this area.

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